Friday, July 21, 2006

Joe Thambu: Aikido shudokan video

Joe Thambu was the winner at the all Japan 2005.

Look at the Demonstration highlights Joe Thambu Sensei, winner of the Tokubetsu Embu Sho (Demonstration Special Award) at the 50th All Japan.

His movement are incredibely fast, and in the street, thigs are really going at the same speed. You really don't have time to think, just the time to do effective movements.

Joe Thambu Video

What is your ultimate Goal in a street attack? You want to persuade your opponent (ennemy), or STOP him in his action against you. You want to make sure that he will not be able to harm you in anyway.

Sometime, the fight can be solved without causing severe injury to your aggressor, but in most of the cases, to prevent him to harm you very badly, you wil need to take a very strong decision: Me or him. It's a no B.S.

A lot of things can prevent you to be fast and make effective movements (that can be fatal for you):

* Your clothes (too tight, you can't move), like jeans...
* The weather: it's too cold...
* You have an injury, from training
* The ground is slippery

The street is not like the Dojo, it is totally different, and good fighter in competition may find difficulty to move on this 'new' ground...

When someone attacs you, you want to have a good balance, and avoid to go on the floor.

Take care.


Gozo Shioda: Kokyu Power PDF

Kokyu Power will not go... even when you reach your 70th year.

I like that, everyone can train and develop his Kokyu Power. Anyone involved in martial arts, or self defense style knows how it is frustrating to train for years to be at the top, and when you stop, what happen?

Your level can go down considerably in less than 3 months... You think about all the time and energy you put to reach that level, and voila, it's gone!

However, the Kokyu Power will not go, this is what you will find in this small PDF from Gozo Shioda:

Kokyu Power PDF.

It's a good read.
