Saturday, September 09, 2006

Women's Self Defense

Women's Self Defense and Myths..

I am an experienced fighter, street fighter, and when it comes to Self Defense, I really know what I am talking about. I spend my childhood between the street and school, and every day, I was waiting for an assault from some of my ennemies. When it comes to women's Self Defense, I am very serious.

Women's self defense is different than what men will do in a threatening situation..
You must know that the women are in a very bad situation when they are attacked, simply because men are stronger.

Women's Self Defense should be more axed on a great state of awareness and an ability to escape or seek help from a potentially dangerous situation.

Women should be careful, and know that more than 80% of the women's assault, rapre and ambushes comes from someone.. close to them! Women's Self Defense should focus on awareness and relationship: women should know what to do when they are isolated with someone, in the workplace...

Self Defense for Woman is very different, and women should be aware that they will not be able to resist in mowst of the cases, against a male stronger than them, and determined to do what he wants with her.

Women's Self Defense = Kick to the groin... Stop!

It's not that easy. It's easy to SAY, but not easy to DO on a real situation. My advice for women who are interested in Self Defense is to have a Good and powerful enough Pepper Spray! However, the pepper spray in itself will not do nothing. Women who are serious about protecting themselves should unserstand that they need some training.

You must know how to EFFECTIVELY use that pepper spray.

Another important point is Self Defense Class for Women. I see a lot of Women instructor... Ok, that's great but I don't see how they teach their student to protect themselves against a man!

My conclusion is that you must be careful. You have more attackers than you think... The first is the real attacker, who want to harm you, and the second.. All these so called instructors, who don't tell you the truth about Women's Self defense.

How many times I saw women in a self defense (or Martial Art Dojo) club, with a black belt, they think that they have a good level, and are confident that they will succeed against an attack in the street.

What? I spend all my childhood in the street, fighting, saving people's life, running to save my life. I know what's an ambush, believe me. BUT I will never be able to tell, if I will be victorious in the street tomorrow!

Just my thought on Women's Self Defense.



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