Sunday, July 16, 2006

Self Defense Program: Tip 3

Self Defense tip 3:

Very important: If someon attacks you and you did not have the time to run away, or avoid the confrontation situation, here is something you MUST ABSOLUTELY remember: It's vital.

DO NOT FORGET THIS TIP, as I said your life can depend on it.

Here it is: When the attacker start to punch or kick you, no way, you got to do someting. In theory, it's simple: Look at what he is doing, avoid his attacks, punch or kick, or break him a member (best solution - but only in extreme emergency situations -).

However, there is something you should be very attentive: Never, I repeat NEVER let him put his hand in his pocket. If he does that, it's not to take his cellular phone... You see what I mean?

He wants to grab his knife, or worst, his fire gun; and this is a really bad situation for you.

It is really important to observe his behaviour and look where he is putting his hands. You SHOULD ALWAYS look where his hands are going. because if he is armed, atanytime, he can take his weapon and give the Fatal hit.

So be very careful.

Next time. I will give you a tip to work your alertness state, because you need that. You need to be able to 'feel' a dangerous situation before it happens.

Remember: Hands in his pocket = A big NO NO.

What to do?

You must grab his hands as fast as you can, if not...
Even if he is punching you or kicking you, don't leave his hand. It's only a maths calculation: you will survive from punches and kicks (if they are not too strongs), but you have less chances to survive to a knife, or gun if the attacker is really determinated.

WARNING: It's not easy to manage that, and you need experience. In all the cases, yu must avoid the fight unless you can't, you have no choice. In that case, do whatever you can to save your life.

Take care.



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