Saturday, July 15, 2006

Self Defense Program: Tip 2

Today, another important Self Defense Tip:

We saw in Lesson 1 The most important thing you need: it's your eyes(you must be able to see what is hapenning because if you don't see, you can react to the emergency situation.)

Tip 2:

After your eyes, you don't want the attacker to be able to touch you. When I said "touch you", I mean him and/or his weapon.

When I said "the attacker", I mean him or whoever is with him, friends, Dog...

If he can't hurt you, or touch you, you are almost safe! For that you need to be able to control your movements. You got to train for that. It's not that easy.

You'll be amazed (I am) to see how many people in the street (attackers, robbers) don't even know to stand on their two legs when the fight become serious.

They will just fall on the ground, in front of you, when you start making just small and effective movements. It's really amazing.

Most of the time, they realize their weakness, and are ashamed and can go... but wait until you read that...

Several years ago, I was coming back from Paris, I took the train, and when I reach the station. I found some of my "ennemies". In fact only one of them, but that day, he was with 4 of his friends...

They fought they was able to do something against me hand to hand. I responded to the fight invitation, although I could go and avoid the fight (the best reflex ever).

So he first came alone, but only with my circular movements, I made him fall on the ground several times, and his friends started to laugh at him. They all came into the party...

They realize very fast that they will not be able to touch me. Until that point, I didn't hit anyone, just moving... and nake them fall. But after 2 minutes, they become upset, and on of them took his gun out of his pocket.

What I did at this time? I am not stupid, I couldn't grab the gun, because I was to far, so I decided to escape. I can run very fast too...

Conclusion: If nobody can touch you, you are almost done. BUT you should know that the aggressor hate to fail, so you got rather know what to do next.

Also, it is not really easy to move effectively in a street figth, with one or several opponents, one can tie his legs easily.

Until there, take care...



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